Our work culture of today (especially in the US) prides itself on working more and burning out. Professional service businesses (e.g. banks, consulting firms, law firms) to start-ups to tech company employees all suffer the same fate — burnout. Verbal trophies are given out to those who are most “busy.”
This is not a badge of honor. There is no glory in reaching a point where you no longer have the motivation, will, or dedication to your chosen profession. There is no victory in losing your health (both mental and physical) to excessive hours spent doing your job.
The Issue of Burning Out
While Millennials may have a poor reputation for work-related resiliency, the top performers don’t suffer from this problem. We know many entrepreneurs, business owners, executives, and up and comers who are willing to sacrifice everything to be “successful.” But what does that really mean?
First, the issue of burnout stems from an imbalance in effort towards striving for professional achievement at the sacrifice of personal health and well-being. Money isn’t the only way to keep score; there are many extremely wealthy people that are extremely unhappy.
The magic middle ground is finding adequate compensation for purposeful work to live the life you want to live. More is not better; better is better. And, you get to decide what’s “better” for you.
Health is a Priority
The issue at hand isn’t to suggest that you shouldn’t work hard. We are certainly not advocating for anything less than your best effort in all endeavors you chose to take on. We are, however, advocating that you invest in your immediate and long-term health.
It is that health, after all, that gives you the energy necessary to work (insert: longer, harder, more effectively, etc). It is important to understand that both your work flow and your health will ebb and flow towards whichever priority focus you give it.
This is a mindset. It takes work, including trial and error, to develop a plan to understand how work and life fit together.
It is imperative you take breaks. It is imperative that you dedicate daily time towards improving your health (not just keeping your head above water so you can get to Friday).
We’ve said it once, and we’ll say it again — burning out is not a badge of honor.
Learn how to prioritize what you need to do to live the life you want to live without giving up your health.
Go out and earn your “best day ever.”